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Week 16 Prompt

Prompt 16 When I first started to read books, it was assigned reading for school. I wasn’t in no way an avid reader of books at a young age. I only read to get my points for the schools AR program, it was not until sixth grade that I started to read for pleasure. I think this came about because I found a genre that I was intrigued by, which is fantasy and sci-fi. When I first started reading, there were only hardcover or paperback books available. When the switch came around 2000s with e-books, I was too young to buy one on my own and also my parents didn’t see the purpose in buying them. Reading only came in the form of physical copies, it would be a long time before I decided to try out e-books or audiobooks. Once I did I was already in college and finally gave into the accessibility of these new reading platforms.             I honestly don’t see hard copy of books going out of fashion for a very long time, becaus...

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